Internet, can you live without it?

            Man could live weeks without foods, days without water and minutes without air, but, can we live without Internet connectivity? Internet has penetrated our life to a surprising extent. Survey that had been conducted reveals the truth that 74% of 16 to 24 year-olds could not live in a world without Internet and computer. Unquestionable, Internet is one of the most notorious inventions in mankind history. For me, can man live without Internet? The answer unfortunately is no.
            Nowadays, life without Internet is cumbersome and bugging. It is hard to believe that the web as we know it is still a teenager. No other teenager in all of history has had such a massive impact on life. Throughout world history, technology has fostered change in human society but never at such a rapid pace as the changes today. Like a person aging or gaining weight who fails to notice when they look in the mirror each day, society moves blindly forward, oblivious to the changes that are unfolding in it. How can we see just how far reaching the effects are? How can we observe just how far things have progressed? It is simple, strip away the web, one device at a time and see how that simple imaginary task would change the ways that those devices are used. Like a fat man forced to see that his clothes don’t fit, if we can’t use the devices, we see the changes.
While your first impulse might be to say that the phone and computer would be the only things affected by a lack of connectivity, and man can still live without the Internet. But, the truth is that a great number of devices rely on connectivity for functionality. Many of the hottest products on the market today would become worthless without the connectivity that makes them so attractive. What are they? The list is giant. Home computers, office computers, laptops, Mac Books, iPads and other tablets, MP3 players, iPhones, Android phones, smart phones of all kinds, GPS devices, Kindles and other e-readers, GPS devices, mapping programs, classified ads such as craigslist, news sites such as CNN, game devices such as the WII and XBOX, and even new additions such as internet televisions. Without the Internet, most of the advanced digital technologies will be like amputated, and we, who has been indulging in the advance of Internet for so long, will unable to live the sedentary life anymore. 
Let us start with the most simple. Imagine that your home computer suddenly lost the ability to access the internet. Sure, there are still plenty of interactive programs to use on it, but let us be honest, the vast majority of time spent on home computers is spent writing or answering e-mails, chatting on Facebook, MSN, or Yahoo, making calls using Skype, or simply watching videos on YouTube and browsing the web. How is life going to turn out without Internet? Surely, it will be difficult for all of us
 If the Internet disappeared tomorrow, it would likely be the most shocking news for most of us. According to the trend, Internet has been one of the fundamental needs of mankind. Life without Internet will not be our way of life, for now. Yes, Internet is an outstanding component 21 century’s life, we do not have to exile the existence of Internet from our life, all we need is just self-control and self-discipline. Internet can surely exists in our life without putting our life in jeopardy.

HU CHEE KIONG 16647 Group 15
LOUIS CHANG HOU WEI 16648 Group 15 

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